DIME$ are the dynamic virtual currency of Daily Dimes™ and are issued based on Membership level. DIME$ are redeemable for Clip & Ship Handling Fees and are just one of the many ways to save on our Clip & Ship Coupon Clipping Services. They are also redeemable for entry into one of our many exciting DIME$ Sweeps! WIN valuable prizes like eGift Cards!

Free Members receive DIME$ promotionally and on occasion, but Premium & Ultra Members receive DIME$ every week. When you upgrade to Premium or Ultra (Paid) Membership and take full advantage of your DIME$, you have the opportunity to receive Clip & Ship Coupons Fee Free!

Depending on your Paid Membership Level, you can place up to two FREE Clip & Ship orders each Redemption Week. The Admin Fees are waived on the first (Premium) or first 2 (Ultra) orders involving one or more DIME$. Therefore, when you complete your order using DIME$ as your payment method and select First Class Mail, your order can be absolutely FREE!
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Our Community

February 2015

Inspired by Valentine’s Day, Daily Dimes™ shared a very special DONATION to our brave family and friends defending our freedom overseas. A total of $98,343.87 in Clip & Ship Coupon savings was shipped to Daegu, Naples, Atsugi, and Sigonella.

Our friend Cyndi Hill, Coupon Chairperson for the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society in Naples, shared the love by thanking us for the support.  A Daily Dimes™ DONATION is always packed and backed with true admiration for our courageous Military.

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